#4491 -

Hallmark Imperia

1Trec Builder By Hallmark Townships Pvt Ltd
RERA Approved
Budget : 9.66 Cr - 9.88 Cr

PA (Property Adviser) Verification Advantages

Realtime Pictures, Price Updates, Next Scheduled

Team did the 10 times site visits since from May 2022.

Team Captured 13 real time pictured up to now.

Team 10 times Updated price and unities information based on visits.

Property Address in Google location verified by PA Team.

PA team Scheduled the next visit date on Jul 2024.

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More project Types in Osman Nagar

Key Highlight Must Know USPs, BHKs, Units, Sizes, Occupancy

We all deserve to come back to a peaceful and tranquil home amidst a breathtaking location after grinding ourselves at work the whole day. That is what our dream villas “Hallmark Imperia” best constructions in Hyderabad promises to offer. Beginning your mornings with a brewing cup of your favorite flavored tea standing on a grand verandah listening to the birds singing in the background, while feeling the freshness of the cool morning breeze is not something that get to experience everywhere. With a friendly and ideal neighborhood, Hallmark Imperia best constructions in Hyderabad ensures the safety and comfort of your family and dear ones. Such phrases surely sound like distant dreams for many, but with Hallmark Imperia, these dreams are not distant anymore.The exemplary structures of our projects are effortlessly displayed by the planned internal roads, ornamental street lighting, and extensive avenue plantation, a low-level compound wall, well-defined spaces, front lawns, and spacious balconies give you all the freedom you seek. These reasons clearly indicate that purchasing the Best constructions in Hyderabad has set a new trend. A sense of privacy coupled with immune benefits and the ability to personalize makes the option even more tempting. To adhere to your fine sense of living in stunning locations in Hyderabad, Hallmark Infracon offers mesmerizing and vibrant luxury villas

Faq Frequently asked questions

The Hallmark Imperia is in Osman Nagar. Please find the landmarks & property on the map here

The Hallmark Imperia was Approved by the RERA.

The occupancy status as on 01-May-2024 for Hallmark Imperia is 7-9  Months. The occupancy date is 26-Dec-2024. Please find the construction progress details here.

Hallmark Imperia has 45 units available as on 01-May-2024. Please find more details on the available units based on the unit type, floor space, and facing here.

The Hallmark Imperia base-price range is Rs. 9,45,90,000 to Rs. 9,67,50,000. The price does not include highrise charges, corner flat charges, amenities, extra car parking, registration charges, etc. Please contact the seller to get the overall price based on the unit type, floor space, and facing here.

The Hallmark Imperia base Sq. Ft price is Rs. 18,000. The price does not include highrise charges, corner flat charges. There will be extra charges on amenities, extra car parking, registration charges, etc. Please contact the seller to get the overall price based on unit type, floor space, and facing here.

Budget : 9.66 Cr - 9.88 Cr
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